Environmental and Animal Defense was founded on the principle of helping individuals who do not qualify for free legal aid, but do not make enough to pay for the full bundle of services at a traditional law firm.

In order to provide affordable legal representation and services, we offer a sliding scale pricing model. Our sliding scale is based on an individual’s income, household size, and the Federal Poverty Level.

Flat Rate

The traditional retainer system can be prohibitively expensive and leave the client feeling uncertain about just how much representation will cost them. Flat rate fees are a simple way to budget for legal services. With this model, one price is paid for legal services. While not available for all cases and issues, flat rate fee arrangements are available for select services.


Another option is to purchase “unbundled”, or a la carte, legal services. With this model, certain aspects of representation are purchased individually. Similar to the flat rate model, certain services are more appropriate as unbundled than others.

Pro Bono

We are able to offer pro bono legal services for select cases.

Interested in saving money on your legal issues? Contact us today to find out if you qualify for discounted rates, flat rate fees, or unbundled services.